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日本は子供の日、オランダは解放記念日/Today is "Children's Day" in Japan and "Liberation Day" i

いろいろとお気遣いのメッセージなど頂戴しまして、ありがとうございます。おかげさまで家族みんな元気にしています。 オランダでは3月16日から始まった"インテリジェントロックダウン"が段階的に解除中。来週から三男のみ隔日で登校することになりました。


Thank you all for your messages of concern. We are all fine! In the Netherlands, the "intelligent lockdown" that started on March 16 is being cancelled gradually and becoming more lenient step by step. Only my third son can go to school every other day starting next week.

My second son photographed by the eldest son in the garden.

From today, only my third son resumed his tennis training. On the way home, his photo was taken by my husband.

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