Three years ago today
Three years ago today, with the full cooperation of two of my close friends, Dutch Rob van den Broek and Japanese Yoshikuni Katsu, we launched an ongoing art project called One Sky One World. This was the first of which today in 2016, the project launched on the day of the Great Hanshin earthquake(阪神・淡路大震災). That was also the first project of Project Japan, a VOF (General partnership) that was launched with my husband in the Netherlands four years ago. Although the exhibition itself was a great success more than I thought, Yoshikuni, my very good friend and business partner passed away January 9, a week prior to the exhibition. Since then, I was emotionally burdened by the loss, as if time had stopped in my mind. I felt trapped in this deep sorrow for the last 3 years. And it is only now have I decided to move on and keep my friend's memories by pursuing my work; which Yoshikuni himself have deeply inspired.
These pictures are one of our work.
Rob van den Broek
Matter Of Time (MDF, acrylic, plywood, LED, glass, fabric)
Time in hours and months.
Yuko Ogino
Moonlight one day(ある日の月光)(Agar, Sugar, Water, Natural edible pigments, Gold foil)
Moons dancing to Cosmic rhythm.
photos by Isabel Fírvida & Stefan Hoogeveen
16 and 17 January 2016