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Curry and smoke flavored

Colorful sweet pickles


curry and smoke ; pickles ;  japanese food ; japanese cooking ; Yuko Ogino My Favorite Japan her culture and tradition

Serves 10


<Pickling Brine>

135g rice vinegar 

135g raw sugar

135g rice oil

20g salt

15g assorted dried-herbs: cumin, coriander, funnel, basil, bay leaf, for example, as you favor.

10g colorful mixture of grain pepper (example. “4 seasons peppercorns” from 

Drogheria & Alimentari)

10-12g Curry powder 

2g Garam masala

50g currants

1 tbsp lemon juice

slice garlic   

1 clove of garlic, sliced into teeth


(to be updated)

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