Mom's recipe おふくろの味

A parcel arrived from my mother in Kyoto again. It is seventh or eighth time since we started living in Holland. This time the parcel contains dried kelp, dried tuna (KATSUO-BUSHI), dry sweets made from bean powder (RAKUGAN), Japanese tea leaves, Mom's homemade salted preserve of cherry blossoms and leaves from the garden, and her annual work of the soy-sauce based stewed (TSUKUDA-NI) bamboo-shoots, wild butterburs, dried young tiny sardines, and young leaves of Japanese pepper. How lovely ! I am so glad as to relish those valuable food sparingly. The bowl is a keepsake from my grandmother on Mom's side.
実家の母からまた小包が届いた。オランダに来てからもう7、8回は届いたかしら。 今回は、昆布やかつお節、落雁やお茶、母手製の庭の桜花&桜葉の塩漬け、母が毎年作る”筍と山蕗とじゃこと山椒の葉の佃煮"も入っていた。 嬉しいな。大事にいただきます。器は祖母の形見。

母手製の庭の桜花&桜葉の塩漬け Mom's homemade salted preserve of cherry blossoms and leaves from the