SHOJIN Taki-komi rice
with Dried root vegetables & mushrooms

Serves 10
2 1/2GO(375g) Rice
2CHO (800g) MOMEN Tofu
RootVegetables& mushrooms of season (weights in raw)
40g Daikon Radish
40g favorite kind(s) of Carrot
50g king trumpet mushroom
50g assorted Shimeji mushrooms
50g Hen of the woods
50g Shiitake mushroom
53g Soy sauce
53g Sake
38g Mirin
20g MITSUBA Parsley
Remove dirt from the mushrooms without washing, cut off their hard tips, hand-rip into small bite-size, and sun-dry into about a fifth of the raw weight.
Cut up the root vegetables into rice-grain size without peeling, and sun-dry into about a fifth of the raw weight.
Drain water out from Tofu slowly with a weight over a night.
Wash rice half an hour before cooking, and drain water in a basket.
Combine the rice, soy sauce, sake, and mirin in a DONABE earthen pot or a rice-cooker pot, add the adequate amount of water to the rice, and stir lightly
Cover the rice with the dried vegetables and mushrooms like a doughnut-shaped ring, and place the tofu on the center of the ring.
Cook the rice as you usually do with the pot.
When the rice is cooked up, remove the pot content to SAWARA-wooden SUSHI-OKE, mix the content well with SHAMOJI spatula while crumbling the tofu as if you cut it, and let the steam escape.
Remove the rice to SAWARA-wooden SUSHI-OKE
Dish up and top with MITSUBA leaves and stalks adequately cut.
Serve with sesame, SICHIMI Japanese red pepper mix, SANSHO Japanese pepper etc to sprinkle as you like.